Prehistory, 1995

Marble, steel; 142 x 32 x 24" (360 x 80 x 60 cm)


The two elements of Prehistory are worked after existing artifacts from two different prehistoric cultures, a hand-size canonical figure from the Cycladic Islands and a floating Bear from the Igloolik region in northern Canada . The small originals are up scaled – and two cultures are literally put head to head. The figures open a field of associations for the viewer, physically and metaphorically and emphasize a changing awareness of time. The cultural objects gain importance through the reflection on the viewer as a cultural being.


Please see also: John Greer at Wynick/Tuck Gallery, Toronto ON Canada (review in Art in America)

and Art Up On Life: ... Waiting in Silence

oder auch Kunst Auf Ueber Leben ... In Stille warten


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Bus Shelter in Halifax with retroActive poster!
Thinking Back to Gertrude and Henrie, 2015
Installation View retroActive with Threshold, 2015; Civilization, 1990/91; PaperMoney, 2012
Wait of Water by John Greer, 2014 Bay of Fundy Detail of Wait of Water, October 9th, 2014; retroActive tied up, tide down, looking back across the bay where the piece was first realized in 1972
National Gallery of Canada : THE PROUST QUESTIONNAIRE
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© John Greer